How are we going to multiply?
At some point in life, you start thinking past yourself. Not for everyone gets here, but most people do and it usually occurs when a child comes on the scene. All of a sudden, the decisions and details of our lives go beyond just us and our own desires. We see longer into life - the decisions we make now impact another generation...actually, they always have impacted others, we just see it clearly now.
We begin thinking longer. Our lives and decisions aren't dead ends anymore, we see the ripple of effect.
Then, something else ... something bigger can happen, and I'm not sure how many people see this reality with precision, but our children will have children and they will have children. The implications of our life grows immensely. The decisions we make, who we are, what we do, how we live, will affect multiple generations. People will be impacted in 200 years by our lives...or not.
My mom's parents left a legacy with me that is now, by name, in my son. My kids know about the characteristics of my grandparents and they will learn more in the years to come. My life is impacted distinctly by their devotion and wisdom. My career path can be traced back to their focus on stewardship...and now my kids too - that's four generations that will span over a hundred years. Next thing you know, my children will have children.
We are called to be fruitful and multiply. This call for our lives goes well beyond the physical multiplication. I'm marinating on this idea about the legacy that we will pass down. A longer-term perspective allows for better decisions today. On the flip side, a shorter-term perspective allows for more foolishness. Foolishness hurts and costs. It costs money, time, implications, relationships and on and on.
A decision based on the next quarter - a decision based on the next three years - a decision based on the next thirty years - a decision based on the next hundred years.
How would our decisions be different if we were thinking about the generational impact of our lives?
Think longer. It's basic Math - How are we going to Multiply?
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