We're all a mixed bag. Made in the image of our Creator, broken by our wrongs, so easily taken off track and yet blessed by genius by the Spirit of God that is within us ... and we're called to be apart of the redemptive story of humanity. I don't know Joe Pa, I don't know what he is really like. I know this, he didn't do what he needed to at a very important moment. It was more than a 'personal failure' - it was a failure to protect others that will be forever marred (humanly speaking) on more than one occasion. He allowed the worst of human existence to occur under his watch.
We must fight for the young, the disadvantaged, the poor and we must flip the tables over when Money, Position and Power are mis-used and abused. This is the worst of us. May God forgive me if I do this knowingly or unknowingly.
Sometimes our culture likes to self-righteously and publicly execute people as a normal habit without ever giving grace and mercy or forgiveness. I don't pretend to know where the balance is for it all. What I do know is that humanity is in the habit of failures. But our God is redeeming, that is what he does, making all things new and extending forgiveness when it doesn't make sense to us. I hope Joe Pa saw where he failed and I pray he sought forgiveness in a genuine way. I pray for the healing of any that were abused.
Our lesson is this...It is easier to start well than finish strong. May our lives chase after justice - may we be a voice for the weak and the hurting, the young and the innocent who are abused by others and may we, start well and Finish Strong.
(Failure leaves clues...Howard Hendricks breakdown how Finishing Strong can be stolen from us all http://tinyurl.com/7sld7nh)
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