The road to anywhere begins with belief, at least a thought that the desired can occur.
I search history for patterns, for ways that success and failure has occurred. In almost every instance, greatness reveals itself with hope, success with belief. From POWs, great adventures of Everest, Lewis and Clark, The American Revolution ... the unlikely, almost impossible continues to occur.
Life presents challenges and others often want you to color within the lines. Greatness in one area is usually accompanied by weakness, even ineptitude in another. Excellence coexists with ignorance and this throws the masses expectations. This causes doubt, even personal questioning. But resilience and belief are called upon.
We need each other. The self made man rarely if ever is. The roles of the Team. The parts of the Body. Experts and various expertise are almost always needed for dreams to come alive. The dreams aren't about you, it's about something bigger. But, you're up for the task, the road ahead needs a vision and perseverance. These two aspects breakthrough the resistance when combined. Motivation and endurance are required for the journey.
Believe in the dream and know that it is possible. Now go to work.
Eloquently stated. We are of like minds advancing the same goal of evolving human spirit/ potential/ condition. I'll be sending your link out. Thank you for writing what I could not.