We are in the river of life. The river is moving and if you're just floating along, it WILL take you where it wants to go. You'll be floating by the banks with the natural flow of the water. This is perfect if you know where it's taking you and if you are wanting to wind up in that location.
But, what if you're not sure where it takes you and what if you want something else?
Set out in the direction that you intend to go. Andy Stanley says " Too often people get themselves into undesirable situations and wonder, "How did I get here?"
He goes on to say:
"Stanley: As a pastor I’ve spent 30 years talking to people and heard every kind of story imaginable. Often times when people tell their story they conclude by saying, “I don’t know how I got to where I am.” Sometimes it’s financially, sometimes it’s relationally, sometimes it’s with their marriage, their kids, their parents, academically, professionally, whatever. So they ask, “How in the world that I end up here?”
And as I listen to their story about half way through I think, “Well it is pretty obvious how you got here. This is the path you chose.” But for many of us there is a disconnect between where we intend to be and the path we choose, and the path that we choose in life - whether it is financially, relationally, morally - always trumps our intention. So people pray in one direction but they walk in a different direction, and direction always determines where we end up."
This makes sense to us if we were sailing across the Atlantic, but somehow when it comes to life, we'll ignore the fact that our choices have in large part led to our current location. If you're out on the ocean, you can look back across your journey and see how you're previous direction created your current path.
Where do you want to be?
Look out in into next year. What do you hope happens in your life? What do you want to experience or accomplish?
In five years, 2015 will be coming to a close. How old will you be? How old will those around you be (kids, friends etc)? Put yourself in that time and realize this, assuming you're still on this earth, the next five years will happen either way. You might as well be intentional about it. "Be very careful then how you live, not as unwise, but as wise, making the most of every opportunity"
I know most guys, struggle consistently with career. As you look out, where do you want your career to be, what do you want to be doing? To go that path, what is required, what is needed and are you taking the steps that lead in that direction?
As you set out on a new direction, watch out for yourself. We don't believe. We doubt. We fear. We are insecure. We initially enjoy comfort over adventure. "But, what if I fail?" "What if it doesn't work?" "What if they say NO to me?" "Our greatest foes in which we must combat are chiefly within."
Think on what God is saying to you here. What has he called you to? Are your thoughts in line with the call and purpose of the scriptures? Go after wisdom and understanding in your direction. Seek wise informed counsel, what is their feedback to you? Be confident in what God has placed in your heart. You must believe his direction is with you, the spirit's power is on you and he will direct your path. It's the journey we are on, we set out with Him in mind and He will call and move on our behalf.
So, take that class. Wake up early. Make that call. Get the training. Learn to cook, learn to dance, spend that time with your kids...Get after it. You'll be five years down the road with or without "that" ability or experience, you might as well be purposeful about it.
Set your compass, make your direction and start moving now, against the flow...this will be your way.
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