You don't understand. You don't see it now and you may never get it.
Much like an iceberg above the water, more is always, almost always going on beyond what you know or see. So ease up with the quick judgments. Life's probably not as simple and clean as you would prefer. It's okay though. Others have a story and so do you. You deserve some slack so that others can understand where've you been prior to tossing you out without giving you a chance.
God is a God of second chances. He redeems. That's his business. He takes the broken and he heals them. He takes the disadvantaged, the orphan, the widow and the poor into his arms. He knows how he made us and he remembers we are made of dust. And yet...he comes after us with the adoptive love that has nothing to do with our "goodness".
His love covers us. I'm grateful for that. I have a story. I have a story beyond that isn't as clean as I might like. You do too. That's okay, he's there with us, in our mess, in our questions, in our confusion and even anger. His love is bigger than all our successes, failures, pain and celebrations. Receive his grace and give grace too.
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